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12th MikeLoop Newsletter


  Hi everyone, welcome to MikeLoop's 12th newsletter.   The summer has come to Berlin and brought sunny, hot days interrupted by heavy rain. So Fabian and I prepare for our summer break – but before we start into our deserved holidays we have an exciting MikeLoop update for you: The Delay Effect. Our Delay Effect comes […]


11th MikeLoop Newsletter


  Hi everyone, welcome to MikeLoop's 11th newsletter.   Spring has finally come back to Berlin and Fabian and I are leaving the studio to enjoy the sun! We have been working on a rather big update for MikeLoop: The Editor! The Editor allows you to place all MikeLoop buttons and sliders wherever you like. You […]


Tenth MikeLoop Newsletter


  Hi everyone, welcome to MikeLoop's 10th newsletter.   Two weeks ago I met up with Fabian to work on our latest MikeLoop update which focuses on MikeLoop's controller functions. MikeLoop has been working with controllers for a while now. You can connect a controller like a keyboard or foot pedal and control your loops remotely. This is very useful […]


Ninth MikeLoop Newsletter


  Hi everyone, welcome to MikeLoop's ninth newsletter.   2023 is coming to an end and we look back at an exciting year full of new features and events. MikeLoop is now 10 months old and has been upgraded 20 times: – We implemented 9 new MikeLoop lessons that help you improve your intonation and timing, your understanding […]


Eighth MikeLoop Newsletter


  Hi everyone, welcome to MikeLoop's eighth newsletter.     In this newsletter you find: – pictures from our Release Party – update stereo spread – update lesson about song writing – update MIDI support     The last month flew by really quickly. Fall has arrived and Fabian and I spend more time at home, […]


Seventh MikeLoop Newsletter


  Hi everyone, welcome to MikeLoop's seventh newsletter.   Last week we celebrated MikeLoop's release with an epic party at A-Trane Jazz Club in Berlin. We invited 5 guests to perform their own music with MikeLoop, and it was stunning to hear the diverse mix of loop styles, ranging from jazz to pop, from beats to complex […]


Sixth MikeLoop Newsletter


  Hi everyone, welcome to MikeLoop’s sixth newsletter. It’s been 2 moths that you haven’t heard from me. I was on holiday in August so I decided not to write over the summer. We still updated MikeLoop every two weeks as promised, so now there are quite a few updates to show you in this newsletter. […]


Fifth MikeLoop Newsletter


  Hi everyone, welcome to MikeLoop's fifth newsletter.   Today we add a new effect for MikeLoop. The Pitch Shifter enables you to add a second pitch to your voice. Choose an interval on the keyboard and sing in parallels. We also added a new layout that combines loops and sound effects. This way it will […]


Fourth MikeLoop Newsletter


  Hi everyone, welcome to MikeLoop's fourth newsletter.   After a rather cold spring, summer has finally arrived in Berlin and people are back out on the streets. I went out to the country side to play my first post-release solo concert with MikeLoop at Kulturpraline in the small town of Teupitz in Brandenburg. The […]


Third MikeLoop Newsletter


  Hi everyone,   The month of May finally arrived and I'm teaching 2 loop workshops, in Würzburg on May 8 and in Saarbrücken on May 10-12. These are my first post release workshops, so I'm excited to be using the official MikeLoop version with built-in lessons. My university in Weimar will put MikeLoop on 10 school iPads, so we […]


Second MikeLoop Newsletter


  Hi everyone, this is the second MikeLoop newsletter. It has been a month now that MikeLoop has seen the light of day. I’m still excited that MikeLoop is available to all loop enthusiasts, and there is so much more to come. In our second update we add the All-Loops-Copy button. You can now copy any […]


First ever MikeLoop newsletter!


  Hi everyone, this is the first ever MikeLoop newsletter!  Fabian and I have worked frantically behind the scenes to get MikeLoop ready for release. We're both super excited to present this amazing app to all loopers, singers, musicians, performers, teachers, enthusiasts and supporters. MikeLoop has come a long way, it is now a professional looper for […]